Residential pressure washing in Calgary

High Pressure Washing Service is an affordable and simple way to dramatically improve the appearance of your home. Blast away dirt, grime, oil, grease, cobwebs, pollution and give your property a clean, fresh breath of new life with our commercial grade Pressure Washing Service.

Get these surfaces perfectly clean in no time with Calgary’s premium pressure washing service!
  • Siding
  • Stucco
  • Brick and stone
  • Metal surfaces
  • Deck and wood surfaces
  • Drives
  • Walkways
  • Garages
  • And more!

We recommend to complete pressure washing with professional exterior window cleaning, to make the whole home shine. Our staff are fully trained to use the correct equipment and techniques to clean your property thoroughly and safely.

Insurance & Safety

Safety is a primary concern here at Bristol Window Cleaning. We have a solid understanding of safety standards in our industry and require every employee’s training exceeds the industry standard. Our goal is to provide the safest work environment for everyone involved.

We are members of the “Alberta Construction Safety Association” which is recognized as the industry gold standard of safety. We are fully covered with $ 5 million in liability insurance and are fully WCB covered.

  • We employ a zero accident tolerance policy and have been accident free since the beginning in 2007.
  • Our staff is fully trained and experienced and all carry ariel platform, fall arrest and fall protection certification.
  • Safety First: we go ‘above & beyond’ the required certification necessary. aLL staff under-go a comprehensive training course and receive ongoing up to date on site and handbook training in line with the IWCA recommendations.
  • Our staff carry all the CCE certified PPE, descent equipment, training and experience to comply with all construction and non-construction job-site safety regulations.
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